Happy Thanksgiving!

others Nov 24, 2016

I would like to take a moment to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays – having spent most of my childhood and teen years being completely fascinated by the United States and the American culture, to experience Thanksgiving each year reminds me of how fortunate I feel that a path emerged that allows me to live here. If someone had told me at age 15 that I would settle and live in the States, I probably wouldn’t have believe them! Yet here I am and I love my life here.

Having said that, as I look back I’m thankful for the wonderful upbringing I had – both in the country fields of England and the beachy shores of Australia. I’m grateful for a loving family who I am still very close to today.

Then I look at my life here. I am thankful for my naturopathic practice where I get to help people every day and make a difference in people’s health and their lives; I have a cosy home in a great neighborhood where I can walk to work, walk my daughter to the park, and walk to a multitude of great restaurants and cafes just a few blocks away. And most of all, I am thankful for my husband and my daughter who really truly make my life complete, and bring me profound joy every day.

I’m also thankful to you, my readers, for your ongoing support and positive feedback.

So may you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving – may your day be filled with love, community and great food … just don’t forget the digestive enzymes!
